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Chip 'N Dale: Rescue Rangers review

Posted : 2 years, 9 months ago on 26 May 2022 03:31 (A review of Chip 'N Dale: Rescue Rangers)

Well since a certain ex-friend of mine said they didn't like Rescue Rangers, I am going to say the opposite by saying that guess what...I loved it. I love that this movie pretty much satirizes the animation industry and everything about it just worked really well...the plot is basically Chip and Dale have gone their separate ways but Dale has gotten CGI surgery on himself to look more modern and well he's trying to get back together which they do of course but for a crime case in which several cartoon characters have gone missing, and they team up with an investigator who is a fan of theirs. All I can say is wow, this movie definitely looked interesting from what I say, and i'm sorry to disagree with my ex-friend but come on...if you didn't like the movie based on what you saw in trailers, then why did you even comment on a review of it in the first place if you haven't even seen the movie? I thought it was an interesting mix and seeing all the different characters was fantastic. Okay I do have an issue with the whole Sweet Pete as villain thing, but that's only because they based him on their own version of Peter Pan and based his backstory on what happened to Peter's voice actor, I didn't feel to put off by it, I didn't mind it that much.

I wish I could give a more thorough review but I am just going to reccomend watching it for yourself.

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Used to it but like it

Posted : 2 years, 9 months ago on 26 May 2022 03:28 (A review of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure)

I used to this show but I like it now,ย  I very much targetted by people that used to like it but I realized I only didn't like it because of them, I love the overall theming of this show and it has grown on me.

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Tangled review

Posted : 3 years, 6 months ago on 5 September 2021 04:41 (A review of Tangled)

You may remember I posted this review ages ago to counter another reviewer's review of the movie, that reviewer basically just came across as someone who claimed to have seen the movie once or twice and enjoyed it but then got all sour about it and started whining about it and claiming that I was harrassing him, dude...how is me disagreeing with an opinion, harassment? Besides, I don't like the 'this movie is overrated' or 'this movie sucks because reasons' excuse.

But anyway hello i'm Nathan aka Monstermaster13 and this is another review. I have a confession to make, as a kid I was obssessed with Disney movies and Disney characters and by that I mean mordidly obssessed. And I still am - even though I could care less about those Jonas losers, Miley Cyrus, High School Musical and the like. Although I have seen Phineas and Ferb and it is awesome, just like Mighty Ducks, Gargoyles and Darkwing Duck. Today's review is of a different kind of Disney flick. This one is one of Disney's CGI movies that were done without the aid of Pixar. Now unfortunately when it comes to CGI, their last attempts varied - I thought that Chicken Little was okay and Meet The Robinsons was pretty good and I have a huge soft spot for The Wild (because it has a koala in it). This one completely blew me away. And even though I only saw the trailer of it, I decided to give it a watch and it did more than meet my expectations. This is Tangled, a playful spin-on the classic fairy tale Rapunzel. And I have to say it's one of their best non traditional animated works. The story is wonderful and there are some really funny scenes involving the chameleon and the horse. It has sort of a Hercules: Legendary Journeys/Xena: Warrior Princess vibe to it, and speaking of Xena - i'm probably not the only one who thinks that Flynn looks like Bruce Campbell as Autolycus only without the mustache.

Like the guys at Spill.com said in their review, it was just like a Warner Brothers cartoon. I thoroughly enjoyed myself throughout the whole thing, and even though the song at the beginning is a bit tooo..teen boppish but i'll let that slide. The rest of the songs are superb. Especially the villain song. Now onto the characters, Rapunzel is one kickass princess. She may be beautiful but she's also spunky like Belle, Jasmine, Tiana, Meghara, and Mulan before her - and also kinda like Buffy Summers from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Plus the fact her hair has magical properties kind of reminds me of the biblical hero Sampson and his hair. Flynn is one extremely lovable rogue, and I like him. I already mentioned how he kinda resembles Autolycus without the mustache. Plus I love his personality, who doesn't? This guy is almost on par to Jack Sparrow. The sidekicks are great too. Maximus is one awesome equine and I love how he's played out in this. Kind of a brute but not too mean. But my personal favorite is that chameleon Pascal because truth be told, I have a soft spot for reptiles in particular snakes and lizards. I'm serious. Chameleons facinate me, and their ability to change color is pretty awesome. Did I mention Maximus? He is soooooooo adorable and comedic, he's a loyal horse and a good boi. I just really like horses.

I had a CD rom game about animals when I was little and one of the coolest things ever was clicking on the chameleon to hear it make that sort of croaking/grunting sound as it rolled his eyes. I even still have the chameleon beanie baby Rainbow as well as his counterpart the Iguana beanie baby Izzy. And back when robot toys or "Robo-Pets" were all the rage, I had a robot chameleon toy named Muy Loco and it would teach you Spanish as make all sorts of comedic expressions. Heck...i've even had multiple dreams where I am at a friend's house and that said friend has a pet chameleon. One of my favorite characters in the Bloody Roar series if Buchizima because his beast form is a chameleon, he's also one of the funniest characters in video game history. Pascal is one groovy lizard and it shows, I love the expressions he makes and his color changing based on his mood - he's also extremely funny. I was laughing all the way through when he came on screen. He was just that funny.

Now onto our main antagonist: Mother Gothel. I love this villainess, she seems like a sweet motherly woman at first but then we get to see her true nature and she's truly something to behold, not to mention her villain song is one of the most beautiful songs i've heard. And I definitely see a bit of an Anjelica Huston vibe in her, as she kind of reminds me of the roles Anjelica played in movies like Ever After, the Addams Family and the Witches. Plus this may be just me...but she kind of looks like a mix of 1980's Cher and Queen Maeve from Mystic Knights of Tir Na Nog. Speaking of Mystic Knights....Flynn's history of being a thief brought to mind the character of Angus who was also a thief. There's nothing bad I can honestly say about this movie apart from the song at the beginning sounds like something you'd hear on the Disney Channel. The movie in general was one of the best animated movies of 2010 next to Megamind, Rapunzel even shares a similar facial trait to Megs...and we all know what this is. Yep, it's the eyes! She has very big beautiful green eyes, just like Megamind. In overall, this movie surprised me and I had a blast seeing it for the first time. And it's one of those movies that in my opinion will never get old or tiresome.

I rate it 100 out of 100, two monstrous thumbs up, and a Monstermaster13 Golden Seal of Fantasticness. I heavily recommend it if you haven't seen it, and if you have seen it - watch it again to truly understand how great it is.

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Invincible review

Posted : 3 years, 6 months ago on 5 September 2021 04:39 (A review of Invincible)

I am going to give this a good review to spite Kurvos (a total joke of a reviewer if they ever was one). This is a fantastic show and I love every part of it.

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A Nightmare on Elm Street 4: The Dream Master review

Posted : 4 years, 5 months ago on 12 October 2020 08:06 (A review of A Nightmare on Elm Street 4: The Dream Master)

Once again I have returned to Elm Street to tackle everyone's favorite dream demon...this time we are going to be talking about Nightmare On Elm Street 4: Dream Master, some of our beloved dream warrior friends are back but we've got some faces including Alice, Rick, Dan, and Debbie. While it is not as good as Dream Warriors, the creative kills are still there including the infamous kills that come to my mind...specifically Freddy appearing as a sexy woman in the waterbed, taking out Rick as an invisible ninja, and the most iconic of all...the infamous transformation of Debbie into her own worst fear, a cockroach. That cockroach sequence, you know between this and David Cronenberg's remake of the Fly, I don't think insects will ever be the same for me again. And most infamously...the infamous diner scene where we found out Alice's worst nightmare is to be stuck working at the same place forever and also where the souls go...in a pizza. Yep, the pizza has the souls of Freddy's victims in it, and also most notably...the heads of those victims are meatballs.

Check out this fourth installment of the Elm Street franchise, if you dare, but remember to sleep with the lights on when you go to bed, or better yet don't fall asleep at all.

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A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors review

Posted : 4 years, 5 months ago on 12 October 2020 07:59 (A review of A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors)

Since I already have already talked about the first two Elm Street installments I think it's time I talked about the third..and the most infamous one of all Dream Warriors, oh hell yes. This is when Freddy Fever officially kicked off and when Freddy officially became a household name. The dream demon is back and this time he's going after a new group of teens, but these aren't ordinary teens...these are teens who have powers/skills they normally don't have in their dreams. Ladies and gentlemen, meet the Dream Warriors. Each of them has an unique power/ability in the dream realm which comes in useful, such as Joey's super sonic scream, Taryn's needles/knives, Roland's super-strength, Kristen's ability to pull people into her dreams, and Will's magic. Also this movie was banned in Australia for some reason, well one particular scene was...the scene where Taryn dies via Freddy's needle-claws.

The kills are very creative and some of the best Freddy deaths I have ever seen in the entire franchise, including the ever memorable scene where Jennifer dozes off in front of the tv while watching a Dick Cavett interview only for Cavett to turn into Freddy and Freddy to emerge from the television uttering his famous line...'Welcome to prime-time, bitch', this definitely is the second time i've seen someone being killed via a television, okay...the third if you count Videodrome, the other one being in Grosse Pointe Blank. Does this mean that Groccer from Grosse Pointe Blank could be her father or even her uncle? Because they both die the exact same way.

I love the puppet sequence too, that's creative and has great use of stopmotion/claymation. Also it's really inventive of Freddy to use Phillip's interest in puppetry as a means to destroy him in the dream world. I also really like Joey's kill in this....Freddy appears as a sexy nurse and seduces him only to use his freakishly long tongue to pin him down to the bed. Freddy would later kill Joey in Dream Master by appearing as a sexy woman in a waterbed. Makes me wonder if Freddy would ever consider doing that type of kill often. And you can't forget Dokken's epic Dream Warriors song. And oh yeah, the freaking Freddy snake scene..the Freddy snake.

If you haven't seen this installment of the Elm Street franchise, you should..and if you don't Elm Street, don't worry you will. But if you haven't heard of it, don't worry...Freddy is going to be coming for you too, so I wouldn't bother falling asleep.

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Willow review

Posted : 4 years, 5 months ago on 12 October 2020 07:57 (A review of Willow)

80's fantasy, there really is nothing that compares to it and this flick is a fine example of it, every aspect of it just comes across as grand, it has all you could ever ask for in a fantasy movie, mythical creatures, a likable hero, magic, an evil villainess, and wonderfully whimsical worlds and environments. Warwick Davis shines in the role and the creatures and SFX are all top notch, kudos especially to the team behind it all and also to director Ron Howard, in addition to this there are a lot of scenes I love about this. Including the infamous 'you're all pigs' sequence, yes I like a scene where people get turned into pigs...don't kinkshame or witch-hunt me for liking an animal transformation scene.

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A Nightmare on Elm Street 2: Freddy's Revenge review

Posted : 4 years, 5 months ago on 12 October 2020 07:46 (A review of A Nightmare on Elm Street 2: Freddy's Revenge)

In the franchise in general this one is often dubbed the 'homoerotic' Elm Street movie because of the supposed subtext which probably wasn't intentional, but the lead actor is gay in real life so maybe it was...I don't know, originally they didn't want Robert Englund back as Freddy and were considering getting someone else but they brought Robert Englund back and he reprised the role in this and all of the others up until Freddy VS Jason. I like a lot of things about this, mainly the idea of Freddy possessing someone and controlling them into killing others while under his control, and also the scene of Freddy coming out of the main character's body....is one impressive sequence.

This definitely handled the monstrous transformation as a sort of metaphor better than My Demon Lover.

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A Nightmare on Elm Street review

Posted : 4 years, 5 months ago on 12 October 2020 07:37 (A review of A Nightmare on Elm Street)

Ah, the land of dreams...the place that we feel the most safe, where nothing can possibly harm you, but what if those sweet dreams weren't made of this at all? What if those dreams were horrifying? What if those dreams were fatal? What if if you woke up from having a particular terrifying nightmare only to find your friends had the same nightmare and weren't alive anymore? Our parents often say 'sweet dreams' to us when we go to sleep but those words aren't enough to keep the dark forces at bay. And what better dark force to haunt everyone's dreams than Freddy Krueger?

Based on a series of occurences that Wes Craven himself read about, about a bunch of teenagers being killed in their sleep, this is Nightmare On Elm Street. The movie that launched an icon, and what an icon indeed. If you haven't heard of Freddy Krueger, I pity you for not knowing about him and I hope he'll visit you in your nightmares, because you deserve to be introduced to him.

Freddy is an icon, iconically portrayed by Robert Englund in all of the main movies in this franchise and Freddy VS Jason, this killer's look cannot be mistaken for anyone else, with his unsettling scarred/burned looking face, his signature hat and sweater, and of course his gloves with the claws. After the parents of the children of Elm Street burn him, he comes back from the dead as a dream demo to haunt said children/teens in their dreams and thus making it unsafe for them to fall asleep. 1,2 Freddy's coming for you, 3,4 better lock your door.

No one else can pull off Freddy quite like Robert Englund does, which is probably why the remake failed. Also I adore the Treehouse Of Horror parody of this with Groundskeeper Willie, that's one of the best Simpsons halloween episodes/segments in my opinion.

If you have not seen NOES yet, don't worry...Freddy is coming for you.

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Fright Night review

Posted : 4 years, 5 months ago on 12 October 2020 07:33 (A review of Fright Night)

I've always been a fan of horror, I remember being a fan of Goosebumps and Are You Afraid Of The Dark as well as in addition to this developing an interest in werecreatures because of a website I went on that had various pictures specifically screencaptures from movies/tv shows/cartoons/anime that had monster/werecreature/transformation elements, and that's when I discovered Big Wolf On Campus (my first major television show obsession). Basically one time I was looking through a magazine sort of like TV Guide in September of 2009 and there was a page about the movie channel specifically MGM having a vampire marathon (the four movies being aired were this one, Love At First Bite, Once Bitten and Scream Blacula Scream) and I had seen Once Bitten many times before and had become obsessed with it (to the point I was looking for the soundtrack for ages). After checking out this movie, I officially got converted into a full blown horror fan.

This movie is a must watch for anyone who likes vampires or 80's horror, it's got everything. It's got gruesome special effects, a protagonist horror fans can relate to, and a charismatic villain.

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