“The musician biopic is one i've seen a lot of but there has never been truly one about Elvis, okay there have been a few ones about the King over the years but this one is truly the most spectacular one of them all, mainly because it stands out from other biopics. This one is pretty much follows the” read more
“Since I have talked about Freddy Krueger I thought it would be only appropriate to talk about fellow serial killer and horror icon Jason Voorhees, I don't plan on tackling all these movies and I know plenty of people have seen them so I will not tackle the plot like what I did with the Elm Street mo” read more
Well since a certain ex-friend of mine said they didn't like Rescue Rangers, I am going to say the opposite by saying that guess what...I loved it. I love that this movie pretty much satirizes the animation industry and everything about it just worked really well...the plot is basically C” read more
“I used to this show but I like it now,ย I very much targetted by people that used to like it but I realized I only didn't like it because of them, I love the overall theming of this show and it has grown on me.” read more

"Even though he's a musician and not an actor, Michael Jackson as the Mayor in Ghosts. https://i.pinimg.com/originals/33/f3/4f/33f34f87f2852918fcc1cbf11188ffd1.jpg Also Kyle Maclachlan in The House "