"Trumpty Dumpty? Being fatherly? Impossible, that would imply he has a heart. In most cases, he's got a heart of ice. Also you forgot Simon Cowell and his kid Eric."

"Regarding Captain Hook...Russell Brand also does look a lot like him. Oh, and Bruce Campbell and Gaston."

"Needs the one of Jack Black, Will Ferrell and Jason Segal as the Haunted Mansion ghosts and the one of Russell Brand as Captain Hook."

"Angie Everhart's character from Bordello Of Blood appears as Marilyn in the scene where she's trying to seduce Rafe (Dennis Miller)."

"While I do agree a little...I personally think that present day era Clooney is just as attractive if not more so than 80's/90's era Clooney, although 80's/90's Clooney has quite an amazing mane on hi"

"I'm probably the only one who still likes Leno but anyway....yeeeesss! Leno."