"@Bamf I happen to be friends with him on Twitter. He's really cool. He liked my From Dusk Till Dawn and Machete screencaps that I have on my Tumblr page."

"Couldn't agree more on Total Recall, Arthur and Psycho. I would have put Rob Zombie's Halloween and the remake of Fright Night here too."

"Personally I feel that Leno's reputation isn't all that bad, especially when you know that it was never his fault that both he and Conan got screwed out of their jobs respectively. Most people tend "

"Why hasn't Gary Oldman won an Oscar in general yet? Why is there no Best Monster category?"

"Nic Cage was almost Superman at one point."

"Anna Nicole Smith. Russell Brand."

"Christopher Walken should be on this list if he is not on there already."

"Fun fact: The name Morty is derived from the word Mort which is 'dead' in French, so yes...Morty is the angel of death. Walken himself even admitted while reading the script that Morty is pretty muc"

"Don't forget Linnea Quiggley. Especially in Return Of The Living Dead."

"I've heard at least a couple of Cher's earlier songs and they're actually quite nice."